Battery: 7 kWh, Type lithium-ionAccu charging: Schuko, 1-phaseAccu fast charging: noThe Fiat Topolino is by far the most fun form of urban mobility. The Dolcevita version shown here will be available in the Netherlands next summer, but we already have ééone in stock for you. Why wait until summer?This example is equipped with the beautiful luggage rack, the Dolcevita box on the dashboard, a phone holder and the ability to connect through the app.From sixteen years and a moped license you can hit the road with this beautiful Fiat. Charging is via the 230-volt plug and takes only 3 to 4 hours (depending on how empty the battery is). Then you can drive another 75 kilometers and the whole party can start all over again. Because party it is, with the Fiat Topolino Dolcevita.