Ford Ranchero for sale
Production year 1973
5l engine
Automatic gearbox
71 400 m
Body need repainting, Interior need to renew.
Engine works nice., good sound.
US title and import declaration.
Location: Lithuania
Delivery is available.
Approximate delivery prices tо countries:
to USA (New Jersey) from 3000 USD
to UK (London) from 700 EUR
to Italy (Milan) from 750 EUR
to Belgium (Brussels) from 500 EUR
to Spain (Barcelona) from 900 EUR
to Austria (Vienna) from 600 EUR
to Germany (Berlin) from 400 EUR
to Germany (Frankfurt) from 600 EUR
to France (Paris) from 700 EUR
to Finland (Helsinki) from 700 EUR
to Sweden (Stockholm) from 850 EUR
to Norway (Oslo) from 1000 EUR
Please contact us for actual delivery price.